We need to care for our body; we need to eat well, sleep well and exercise! At my age, I cannot stress how important physical activity or exercise is. It has immediate and long-term health benefits and more importantly regular activity can improve your quality of life.
Health and Wellness is a topic I am passionate about… Self-care is so so important folks and this section of my website is all about trying to maintain and stay healthy and it starts from the inside out.
Exercise to be fit not skinny, eat to nourish your body. YOU are worth more than you realise x
Symprove 12-Week Programme (8 + 4 free)
Symprove utilizes a unique formulation of live and active bacteria that work harmoniously with your body’s microbiome. Through a patented delivery system, these beneficial bacteria bypass the harsh stomach environment and reach the targeted areas of your gut, where they can flourish and provide their numerous benefits. Please be aware that Symprove has a shelf life and check the expiry date on the bottle
As Brand Ambassador, I have an exclusive Discount Code with Meaghers where you can SAVE 15% off all their RRP, including this product! Click the link below to get the Discount Code and to see all my favourites from Meaghers.
Supporting your Body for the Change in Season
As we prepare for a very different winter and some uncertain months ahead many of us may be experiencing very anxious times and we may be worried about our own health, or the health of our loved ones going into the winter.
Stress Busters
There is no question that this the COVID19 pandemic has resulted in untold stress within our communities, our families and most of all within ourselves. I am a firm believer that if you don’t look after your own health and well-being then you cannot look after those around you. My Mum always says – “Oonagh you cannot pour from an empty glass!” and she’s right.
Menopause – The Secret is in the Name
Menopause is a big chapter in the lives of us women but is a topic that is often brushed under the carpet and not always discussed openly. Many women feel that they cannot talk about it openly and there is still a lot of taboo around the subject but the reality is that menopause will affect 50% of the population.
Support your Immune System and Mental Health during these Difficult Times
In these uncertain and anxious times, it is vital to look after our physical and mental health. Myself and our team of pharmacists here in Meaghers want to arm you with the information to make the right decisions for your health and wellbeing.
Vitamin C – The Skin’s Wellbeing Vitamin
I’m all for ageing gracefully and I really think we need to mentally accept that as the years go on our skin will change – that’s ok! My opinion is we should all aim for healthy skin at all ages, healthy skin always looks great at any age. Vitamin C works in a number of ways to boost the health and appearance of the skin.
What is Symprove and Who Would Benefit from Taking it?
Oonagh from Meaghers fills us in about what the Microbiome is… You may have heard of the gut microbiome; this is the home for the bacteria in your digestive system. The bacteria help with the breakdown of food and turn nutrients into what your body can use.
Family is Everything
Family is everything to me… I am who I am because of them and they mean the world to me. Pictured here are three of my biggest supporters: Mam Dad & Chris…. Thank you for always having my back!
My Hysterectomy Journey
What were your symptoms that led you to need the hysterectomy?
Last year I had no control over my bladder and I was bleeding a lot… It got so bad that I felt the need to go to the bathroom every 10-15 minutes. I could be walking down the street and have to find a bathroom as quick as possible… I bought the pelvic ring and the Kegel balls to try and help but there was never any improvement. It felt like my pelvic floor was collapsing and I didn’t know what was going on.
Best Anti-Ageing Secrets
Regardless of what age you are, I think we can all agree that it’s completely normal to want to reduce the appearance of ageing. Although, nothing can entirely stop the ageing process, there is still plenty that you can do to reduce premature ageing.
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