Bellamianta – my failsafe choice for a natural looking tan
1. Shave the day before! I’m the worst in the world for remembering to do this… so I blast my legs with ice-cold water after my shave and this seems to work for me, Thank God. It’s not ideal for professional spray tans and Pechie rolls her eyes when I tell her. When I don’t get a spay tan, I love to use Bellamianta’s Self-Tanning Gradual Moisturiser (I’m their Brand Ambassador) as it means I’m always ready-to-go.
Probably my biggest tip is Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise… Daily!
2. Always, always exfoliate the day before your tan, or at least the morning of, at the very latest. I find the tan takes much better on baby soft skin… If you still have tan on from a previous application, I use my Bellamianta Glycolic Scrub to take it off so that I’m ready for my new application. It’s super simple, super effective and my legs end up really soft. The scrub is basically triple action because it has glycolic, (the chemical aspect) which you apply to the skin for 5-10 minutes, then you get into the shower and use your exfoliating mitt (the Blue Bellamianta one of course lol ) and give yourself a good hard scrub, the particles are all bio-degradable (the physical aspect) and it also contains oil which helps break down the tan. You will notice when you get into the shower it goes all milky which helps to soothe and soften the skin too. It also smells unreal too like bergamot and coconut.
3. No deodorant under the arms the day of your tan or you’ll end up with green patches… Yep learn by my mistake the first time I had one years ago.
4. Probably my biggest tip is Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise… Daily! Your tan will fade away much more naturally. Personally I find the fade of Bellamianta excellent and it’s a beautiful olive tone which suits my skin colouring. We all have our favourites but I’m using Bellamianta exclusively since I became their 1st Brand Ambassador when they launched.
5. Fake it til you make it! If you don’t have time to do a full tan, you can be bronzed in 2 minutes with Bellamianta Body Make up and a brush of their Bronzer down my shin bone… It’s an instant tan and a wash off formula for those of you who are worried about your white sheets!! It won’t come off in the rain as I have to use shower gel to take mine off 🤣
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