Happy Christmas Girls!
by Lisa McGowan
Welcome December….
We have arrived again girls to the end of 2023 and I have to say that was one very fast year. The blink of an eye. It seems like only yesterday when I was writing last year’s newsletter and here we are at the end of this year girls. It has been a great year for me but I am always conscious around this time of the year that it might not be great for some of you reading my newsletter this morning. It can be the best time of year but also the worst time of year for others. It can bring very mixed emotions for lots of people and I am always very conscious of this. I always tell you all that I love the decorations and the buildup but can find the day quite difficult. I am however really looking forward to a two week break. It really is the only time of year where I get to take a real break with no jobs. Offices are closed and emails stop as most people I work with are also closed. It will be a quiet and relaxed time for me and I am so looking forward to the down time.
This year my brother and his wife are hosting us all. I am really hoping that next year my new house will be finished and that I can host all the family. I cannot wait to move in there. Obviously Chris will be doing all the cooking but I will be a good commis chef and cleaner. Mam and Dad will also be in my brothers along with Chris & Daragh. My brother has smallies also which adds to the Christmas cheer and fun. I am delighted that Chris is around again this year. He heads of to visit family in Scotland for a few days after Christmas. It is great that he gets to see everybody. He is off as well for all the holidays this year.
The last few weeks have indeed been a total whirlwind for me. Possibly the busiest two months I have had since I started out on this mad journey. I have worked on products over the past two years and when you are in the middle of it sometimes it feels like you will never get it to market then all of a sudden it all seems to come together and everything almost lands together. Then all of a sudden I felt like I had all these products land around the same time. I am so happy with every single product that I have launched this year. It takes a lot of hard work and genuinely they all take over a year to get right. I am adamant that I will never launch a product until I am 100% happy with it. I am trying to produce capsule pieces, pieces that can be mixed and matched. I also want the products to stand the test of time and not to be a fashion phase. I think everything that I have launched so far are timeless and will still be current in a few years time. My hats and scarves went out yesterday and you all seem to love them just as much as I do. I made the scarf longer to add even more luxury to the piece. They look super with the puffers which I hope will start to dispatch from tomorrow. They are such a great combo and look so premium together. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE. My Christmas PJ sets are flying out the door also. They are my favourite ones to date. The colour is so rich and there’s a great sheen off them. The fabric is also super soft. I know I will be living in them this Christmas. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE
I have one launch left for this year and I hope to have a date for you all very soon but hoping for mid December. The Lisa & Co. handbag is landing girls. I am not joking when I tell you that blood, sweat and tears went into this bag. Those following me for a long time will know that I love my bags. I wanted to produce the perfect bag that ticked all the boxes and I really feel that I have managed to do that with this piece. I adore it. It is 100% Napa leather and can be worn as a crossbody or for a more formal look with the shorter plaited strap. I tried to think of all the functionalities that us busy women need from a bag and feel that I have. I cannot wait for you all to get them and I am so excited to hear what you will think. The packaging is so premium on the bags and they will have their own home in the hard box that you will receive with them. They also have a dust cover for added protection. I will be chatting during the month with a definite launch date once I know a little more. You will have them before Christmas though girls.
My black blazers have gone down so well with you all. I have to say I really love them too. We all need a good black blazer in our wardrobes and I love my one. They are all sold out at the moment. I did a poll last month to ask if you would like a pre order before Christmas and that was a resounding yes. I will pop up a pre order around the 22nd or 23rd of the month but will keep you updated. They land in Ireland January 7th so almost the week we reopen. At the end of January I hope to have my fleece tops out and also the black t-shirts landing. I have so much coming next year. I think I have struck gold with my new trousers. They skim the body perfectly and the fabric is amazing. I am trying to match them directly to the blazers. I have camel and navy blazers landing early next year which I know you will also love. There’s so much coming in 2024 girls and it really is all very exciting.
I am heading off January 12th on a work trip with Chelsea and Linda. We will be gone for nine days and we have a lot to do. We will also have fun on the trip as the three of us always do. That will certainly break January for us and will keep us good and busy.
That is about all my news girls. I want to wish you all a very happy Christmas and I hope you all have a lovely time with family and friends. Thank you all so much for all the support during 2023. It never goes unnoticed and I appreciate each and every one of you. I am really looking forward to 2024 to see where this crazy journey takes me.
Have the best time girls,
Lisa Xx
What’s New for December?
I am delighted to have Pamela Scott on my website this month. I am loving the newsletter dress this month. It is an ideal Christmas Day dress, Lovely stretchy material allows me to eat what I like lol. I also want to say a huge thank you to Richard and Louise. It really is great working with you guys. Richard and I have great fights but we also have the laughs. Looking forward to 2024 Richard ..

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