Jump into June!
by Lisa McGowan
Hello hello,
How are we all doing? Half way through 2022, can you actually believe it?? Secondary schools are all closed now so Summer has officially landed girls. I have to say I just love the Summer time. It really gives me a great pep in my step. Think we are all the same really.
We had such a busy May. I am just about recovered from our Limerick Show last Saturday night. We had such a laugh down there. Honestly the craic and fun was unreal girls. I have to say I am sad that they are all done now because we genuinely have so much fun at the events. We work so hard in the weeks before the shows. Co-ordinating the bags alone and getting them all to the venue is a job in itself. I want to again say a huge thanks to all the brands that have supported my live shows over the years. We are looking at something new and exciting show wise though so I will keep you posted on progress once we have it all sorted.
Daragh’s J1 trip has been quite the saga. He was due to go yesterday but due to some complications with his Visa it is now next week. I had myself all psyched for him to go and now I have to go through it all again next week. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t worried, actually worried sick. I know he will have a complete ball but as a Mammy I worry, we all do girls right? I know it is great for him and what an experience to work in a Summer Camp and live the student life. I hope to God he gets on ok . I am sure after a few weeks I will settle down a bit once I know he is settled and enjoying it. The exams seemed to go alright for him so hopefully I won’t see him back home early if you get me lol…
I had an amazing trip planned to Lisbon as you know but had to cancel when Murphy got sick. I was so disappointed but we decided to go to Barcelona once he was better. It was so enjoyable, it’s such a beautiful City. Chris’s brother lives there so we have visited lots and he always brings us to the happening places.We walked till we dropped and around every corner there’s something else to see. The food was amazing and the people were so friendly. I just love travelling as you know. Later in the month we go on our Summer Holidays to Greece. As most of you know my brother in Boston is a travel agent so we are all travelling together. I am so excited. Originally he said we were backpacking but can you imagine me backpacking around Greece. I have convinced them now to change that element. I will share images and stories with you on my travels. I am dying to go to Santorini. I have never been and you always see the amazing images online. It’s just great visiting place that you have never been to. It’s the first time in years that I have gone on a Summer Holiday and I have no jobs to do while I am away. I have never really done this before as I always feel guilty. This time I decided that I was going to take the fourteen days to recharge the batteries and enjoy family time.
At least I have my own sunglasses to wear. I really love them and hope you all do too. As you all probably know we are going on pre-sale in the next few weeks. It was a long long road getting them this far. It is tricky with sunglasses, especially high quality ones like mine. There are European directives that need to be met and you know me every box had to be ticked before I would sign them off. I needed to be sure that we conformed to all the protocols. I cannot wait to start seeing them on you all. It is when I see them on my followers that it really makes it all worthwhile. Can’t wait for the feedback and pictures.
Thanks so much to all of you that voted for me for The Platinum VIP Awards. I am nominated for most stylish influencer. I went to the nomination reception in Dublin with Linda & Chelsea. It was a great morning and a huge thank you to VIP for including me. As I was saying to you earlier, they are the Oscars of the awards ceremonies in Ireland. I would so love to win it if I am honest. I have always wanted to win a VIP. I am amongst greatness though and up against some powerhouses in the influencing world and super stylish Ladies. I would so appreciate a vote if you wouldn’t mind girls. Click here to vote.
I am hoping to have my perfume and aftershave back in stock in the next few months girls We are working away on it in the background. We are almost sold out of everything so it’s a good job we have newness arriving. In the Fern & Flamingo we have very limited stock and sweatshirts are the same. Click here to purchase.
Have a great June, girls. Looking forward to chatting and having fun throughout the month.
Lisa xx
What’s New for June?
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