Time to Dust Down the Heels
by Lisa McGowan
Happy July, can you actually believe that it is July? Where has the time actually gone? Congratulations to us all! What we have gone through over the past few months and how we have all battled through deserves huge praise and I’m going to give it to us all. As a nation we adhered to the rules, which let’s be honest were so so difficult, but now there’s light girls!!
Here we are now with almost every business open, thousands of people back in work as we adjust to the new norm. What’s top of your list to get done? Top of mine was to get my roots done… It was so nice sitting in that chair and getting a revamp!! Oh Lord, it was great!
Well girls, I am going out this month, that’s for sure. The hair is finally done, the makeup is going on and I am dusting down my heels… as Lisa hits the town. Imagine sitting down in a Restaurant and getting everything served to you, drinking a cocktail with family or friends. I am actually excited as I type – honestly. Oh Lord, how the simple things in life have become such a luxury (but hey we appreciate it all the more right?) What a reality check for us all, don’t you think?
What’s New for July
I’m delighted to have McElhinneys as my feature fashion for the month and we have some great looks – I’m sure you will agree. Ye all went mad for their Homewares so I managed to get them to stay with me again this month… and girls I also have Kidswear for July!! I had so many followers ask about Kidswear and now I have it. Some beautiful pieces in there and all very fairly priced. Dying to see what you all think about it.
Delighted to have my good friend Rachel from Murphys Shoe Store in Bantry back with me. Ye are all going mad for her trainers, ye keep clearing her out! I have to say I think Murphys have a great selection of shoes and I love the fact that it is a small family business in West Cork. It’s all about looking after one another girls. It always has been (and always will be) my mantra.
Girls, I also want to say a huge thanks to all of you. I honestly never dreamed four years ago that I would have such a following, not to mention such a successful website. None of this and I mean none of this would be possible without each and every one of you. It makes me so happy to know that you all trust my recommendations on all things fashion and lifestyle. I suppose I pride myself on only posting about quality products. If I wouldn’t wear it or use it then I would never recommend it to you. You don’t know how much this means to me and I often feel that I don’t get to thank you enough. You allow me to do what I love and for that I am eternally grateful.
Stay Safe & have a great July,
Love Lisa xx