Family is Everything

by | January 2020

Family is everything to me… I am who I am because of them and they mean the world to me.

Pictured above are three of my biggest supporters: Mam Dad & Chris…. Thank you for always having my back!

My new groupies: Mam & Dad! 🙈🙈🙈Chatting to my Mam recently about one of my live shows:Me: “Well Ma, did you enjoy?”

Ma: ”I thought, will she ever stop talking?” 🤣🤣🤣

Me: “What was your favorite bit?”

Ma: “That Makeup Fella “
That’s you Mark Rogers Beauty🤪

I love this dude so much you’ve no idea.. I could kill him at times don’t get me wrong but I’m blessed to have him. He absolutely hated this photo being taken and I promise he has the most beautiful set of teeth but you know yourself what teenagers are like 🤣 Daragh has kept me going no matter what hit me in life and he’ll always be my Number 1 ❤️

Chris is smiling more and more.. I think I’ve broken him and he’s starting to enjoy being on Social Media more 🤣🤣🤣

What we are really thinking behind the smiles:

“Chris please don’t kill me for this” 🤣🤣🤣

“I feel like a complete … up here thanks Lisa 🥴”

Family is Everything

by Lisa McGowan time to read: 4 min