2024, Lets Go!
by Lisa McGowan
Happy New Year..
I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you enjoyed the downtime and the break. I know lots of you were working over the season but hopefully you got to enjoy some time with family and friends. It is hard to believe that another Christmas is now behind us as we head into a brand new year. Time really flies by and the older I get the faster it seems to go lol. 2023 was really a great year for me both personally and professionally. I won’t lie now I was wrecked by the time the holidays came around and welcomed the break no more than yourselves I bet. Christmas is a great holiday though, no alarms set and no real emails arriving. It really is the only time of year that we all get to go on holiday at the same time, pity we can’t do that for the Summer holidays… I leave my decorations up until January 6th every year. Call me superstitious but once Little Christmas is over on the 12th day the decorations come down in my house. That was always the way it was when we were growing up so I have carried that tradition to my house. I will miss them when they are gone though as I love the warmth they bring.
I have so many fabulous messages from lots of you about my headaches. I am on a new concoction of meds today and really hoping that this lot works. I am rinsing everyday and taking antibiotics and a steroid from today. Really really hope this will start to improve them. So many of you seem to have sinus infections as well. It must be the time of year for them. I will keep you posted on progress. Hoping to get back to see Dr. Sonja this week again for more blood and checks.
Anyways, enough about me and my headaches lol. We had a super break all the same. Ethan was over for a few days which was great and nice to be able to hang out with him. Chris just loves when he visits. It is hard to believe he is 19 now. Chris went over to Scotland on the 27th for a few days. He brought Murph on the adventure with him. I had great laughs from the texts Chris was sending me. They took the Ferry over which was ideal with the dog and Chris really wanted to bring him over to see his Mum. It went really well for them which was great and I expect another Murph & Chris adventure looms. I may have to join them the next time and take you on the journey.
Well it was straight back to it on Tuesday when we came back to work. Lisa & Co are launching so many amazing pieces in 2024. It is so exciting and I am nearly there with lots of looks and would hope to sign off on more in the coming weeks. We have a big work trip looming and we leave on the 12th for around ten days. We are hoping to get lots done when we are over. The schedule is very packed but we do hope that it will improve efficiencies for us and also speed production up. We have sold out of almost all products in November & December which never fails to amaze me and is something I never ever take for granted. I do try so hard to get it right and my real focus is the quality of the products. Linda and Chelsea are also coming with me so there will be some fun as well and sightseeing. It will also be lovely to actually meet the people in person after so long online and on zoom calls. I am very excited about this. You won’t hear from me though as social media is blocked in the EAC. I discovered that the last time I went over with Dougie. I did bring a VPN line with me but no joy so this time at least I know in advance so I won’t be panicking. Once I get home I will fill you all in on my stories and how it all went. The blazers are due to land to us late this week or early next week. The black blazers have gone down so well and I personally love them. The second consignment is currently online to buy. CLICK HERE TO BUY.
We are also launching our black t-shirts this month. I will keep you posted on the date as soon as I know more. So many of you asked for black t-shirts after receiving the white ones. I love them and they look great with jeans or a nice pair of pants. You can really dress them up or down a real wardrobe staple. I hope I ordered enough now but as I said I will keep you posted.
I also wanted to say a huge thanks to you all for the lovely messages on the handbag. I really love the bag and a huge amount of work went into getting it right. I tried to make it stylish yet practical and really feel that I did achieve this in the end. It is super quality napa leather and a bag that will never date and that you will have forever. They are an in-stock item and you can order here. CLICK HERE TO BUY.
I have so many of you sending me messages asking about the puffers. They literally flew out the door girls. In the next ten days I should have limited stock that I can pop up online. I can see from the sales report that a lot ordered two sizes so I would expect some returns. If you keep an eye on stories I will post them up as soon as I have a final figure. I just want to be sure exactly what I have before I do that if you get me?
The house is literally starting to fly up. I am excited for next Christmas because we will be in and I will be hosting… well Chris will be cooking and I will be hosting lol. We are trying to be as organised as we possibly can. I really want to get in as soon as possible so in turn lots of decisions need to be made. Bathroom tiles and units we have already chosen. This week it moves to the Kitchen plan. I have a meeting on Thursday with a company to chat and plan this out. The kitchen I always feel is the hub of the house and where we all hang out the most so I really want to get this correct and put time into the planning of it. I am really excited about the house and just cannot wait to progress on the journey. I am really lucky with the builders and the architect that I am working with and interior architect. I will keep you updated on progress throughout the months.
That is about all my news for now girls. I want to thank you all once again for all the support in 2023. I genuinely never ever ever take it for granted and really appreciate all you do for me. I hope 2024 is another good year. My website is fully booked for 2024 so lots of great discounts are coming your way girls. I will be haggling hard with all the great brands I work with on your behalf lol. We all love a good bargain that is for sure.
Thanks so much again and happy new year,
Lisa xx
What’s New for January?
I am so delighted that I have my old friends in Pamela Scott back with me this month and indeed for the whole of 2024. I am loving the feature cardigan this month. It is a fabulous layering piece and will work with so many outfits. Lots more to come throughout the month as well girls. Keep an eye on my stories.
Huge welcome to Helen and her team in Nina’s Boutique in Trim back to the site. Helen is also with me for all of 2024. I have already chosen the next six months of looks for them and they are fabulous. Lots of casual and occasion style wear. It really is a super one stop shop and well worth a visit if you are in the area.

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