

We need to care for our body; we need to eat well, sleep well and exercise! At my age, I cannot stress how important physical activity or exercise is. It has immediate and long-term health benefits and more importantly regular activity can improve your quality of life.

Health and Wellness is a topic I am passionate about… Self-care is so so important folks and this section of my website is all about trying to maintain and stay healthy and it starts from the inside out.

Exercise to be fit not skinny, eat to nourish your body. YOU are worth more than you realise x

Item of the month

Symprove On The Go (1 Week Supply)

Introducing the new Symprove On The Go so you never need to miss a dose. Based on feedback from healthcare professionals and patients, the daily dose is in one bottle so there’s no need to measure or refrigerate. One pack contains 7 individual doses.

As Brand Ambassador, I have an exclusive Discount Code with Meaghers where you can SAVE 15% off all their RRP, including this product! Click the link below to get the Discount Code and to see all my favourites from Meaghers.

Our Top Tips for Great Sleep

Our Top Tips for Great Sleep

One of the biggest victims of COVID-19 has been our sleep, the uncertainty around finances, jobs, health and layer in, home schooling and working from home and you have a lot of stress and nervous energy that can lead to restless night’s sleep and an overall feeling of being tense and unsettled.

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Time for You

Time for You

The impact of stresses on our health and wellbeing can be immense, so it is important now to take some time to rest, reset and recharge. Check out our tips that might allow you to personally handle stress and reset and rebalance the system at the end of a stressful year. 

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Discover the Revive Active Range

Discover the Revive Active Range

What makes this product so great for boosting energy is the 150mg of Co-enzyme Q10… Unfortunately from our mid 20s onwards, the levels of Co Q10 in our body starts to decrease, which is why we may not feel as energetic as we once did!  This product boosts your Co-enzyme Q10 reserves which can really boost your energy.

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Stress Busters

Stress Busters

There is no question that this the COVID19 pandemic has resulted in untold stress within our communities, our families and most of all within ourselves. I am a firm believer that if you don’t look after your own health and well-being then you cannot look after those around you. My Mum always says – “Oonagh you cannot pour from an empty glass!” and she’s right.

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Menopause – The Secret is in the Name

Menopause – The Secret is in the Name

Menopause is a big chapter in the lives of us women but is a topic that is often brushed under the carpet and not always discussed openly. Many women feel that they cannot talk about it openly and there is still a lot of taboo around the subject but the reality is that menopause will affect 50% of the population.

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Vitamin C – The Skin’s Wellbeing Vitamin

Vitamin C – The Skin’s Wellbeing Vitamin

I’m all for ageing gracefully and I really think we need to mentally accept that as the years go on our skin will change – that’s ok! My opinion is we should all aim for healthy skin at all ages, healthy skin always looks great at any age. Vitamin C works in a number of ways to boost the health and appearance of the skin.

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